Mountains is Motion was created out of the controversy in our lives. We are both cancer survivors who saw that it was more than just “the patient” that was going through the illness. We saw the affects of our illnesses and recoveries on our family. A prolonged hospital stay or a nursing home stay can have profound and long reaching affects on the family. Not only is it very expensive, but it is emotionally taxing as well. In our own experiences, we were so grateful for our faithful friends who acted as family at this time. They lifted us up in so many ways. Most that cannot be repaid. We were both very lucky to have a support system. Each one of these people is a gift from God, and because their hospitality and our gratitude for it, a new ministry was born.
Along side our teaching and prayer ministry, God has led us to start a hospitality ministry. This will be a place where families of the ill loved one can ask not only for prayers, but some financial help as well. We hope to offer gift cards for parking, hotels, and meals complimentary to the families in need. We also offer gift baskets with small thoughtful gifts that help the family during this stressful time.
Our ministry will serve our local area including Pasadena, La Porte, and Deer Park. Our hospitality ministry is not based on anyone’s financial situation. Everyone needs help during this time regardless of income. It is our hope to partner with local businesses or churches to further the vision we believe God has placed on our lives.
The gifts of love come straight from our hearts. Our goal is to spread the love of Jesus and the knowledge of the ultimate gift He gave to us by his crucifixion, our salvation. By reaching beyond the church walls and into the community we hope to and ease the burden of the families.