Hurricane Harvey

Helped clean up water damage in numerous houses across our community


Raised over $31,000 for one of our ministry members, Katelyn Davis, and her future seizure service dog

Service Project

Prayed with and Ministered to nursing home residents as we passed out ornaments that were handmade by the ladies in our ministry

Hospital Visits

Visited several hospitals and ministered to families of patients in surgery

Welcome to Mountains in Motion!

About Our Ministry

We are a women’s ministry of action looking to serve our community in fellowship, prayer, and hospitality. We strive to not be bound by our denominations in faith and instead unite through our common love for Jesus Christ! Our goal has always been to reach the women in this community and form an instant support group for them and their family. We pride ourselves in being a continuous prayer chain for those in need.


Study Session

Mountains in Motion has bible study sessions in the fall and spring of each year.
The fall bible study of 2021 will be “Faithful” by Laura Seifert which will study Psalm 23. It will be lead by Melissa Pierce. The study will be conducted outside with a projector to hopefully ease the worry of covid. The dates will be October 5, 12, 26, November 2, 9, and 16. The times will be 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. For the location of the bible study, please contact Melissa Pierce or Kim Weiler.
The spring 2020 session studied the Importance and Significance of 10 Women of the Bible. This bible study started on February 6th and will go through May 14, 2020. It is never too late to join us. We would love to have you. You can email for more information on time and locations. Due to Covid19, we had to cancel this Bible Study Session.

Prospect Members

Please email Brittany Savell at if you are interested in joining our ministry and need more information!

Community Needs

If you or someone you know in the community is in need of our ministry assistance, please let us know! We are a ministry of action and are always looking for ways to help our community!

Prayer Requests

Please submit your prayer requests to one of our ministry team members. Our entire ministry would love to pray for you and your family!

Need a Minister?

We have ministers available for marriages, baptisms, and funerals.

Prayer Request?

Our prayer team would love to pray for you and your family.

Need a Fundraiser?

If you or someone you know in the community would benefit from a fundraiser, submit your request.

Services We Provide


Faith can move mountains

Matthew 17:20

For we walk by faith, not by sight

2 Corinthians 5:7

Rise up and pray

Luke 22:46

Love each other as I have loved you

John 15:12

Hope anchors the soul

Hebrews 6:19


Grow in your Christian faith
Be part of a Godly support group
Access to an instant prayer chain
Be an advocate for your community and those in need
Learn what God’s purposes are for your life and the reason you were born