The idea of being a christian and loving the Lord is not something new to me. However, my walk with Jesus Christ really took off the moment I found out I was becoming a mother. It was in that instant that I realized that even with the immense amount of support from my husband, family and wonderful friends, I needed someone stronger to help lead me in the wonderful role of motherhood. Someone who could help me defeat the enemy that was ready to go after my family. I needed protective armor that would ultimately block those attacks. That’s when God became the focal point of my life. That’s when I realized I had the ultimate army at my side. Becoming part of Mountains In Motion Ministry has truly been a life changing event. As a young woman, ending my glory days on the collegiate volleyball court and beginning my teaching career seemed very similar. In both instances, I was handed a “team” that I could rely on each and every day. I could count on them to be there for me wether it was to celebrate, or just be an ear to listen. After being blessed with the ability to be a stay at home mom, this ministry has now become my new team, with Christ being our Leader! This Ministry continues to bless me in ways that are indescribable.

After just one study session with these Godly group of women, I realized I was in the right place! God left a heavy burden on my heart urging me to do more for Him. How could I possibly do more for Him when I was no where near being qualified? This was the first bible study I had ever attended. I didn’t go to church regularly. I was not a “perfect” christian. I didn’t have verses from the bible memorized. However, God was still urging me to do more. That’s when I decided to have faith in His plan and join Mountains In Motion as a full time investment. Do I feel qualified, yet? Not in the least. God continues to amaze me with the tools He continues to equip me with just in the knick of time. I am continually getting my spirit filled by attending our ministries study sessions regularly and I am learning more and more about who I am and the power that I have by having Jesus in my heart. I have learned to pray harder than I ever thought possible and rejoice in knowing that I am the daughter of the Most High King!

Mountains In Motion Ministry has become a saving grace for my family. I continue to bring back the knowledge that I learn and apply it to our every day life. Being a wife and mother are not easy roles. There are times that I feel defeated. Moments where my energy is spent. Arguments and differences that occur in my life that I know are not of God. This group of women hold me accountable and continue to remind me that I’m not alone. Just when I am ready to lay down, these ladies lift me back up and remind me of the promises that Jesus has made us. It makes all the difference in knowing that my God is right there in the race with me!