Spreading discipleship to those not only in need but to give hope through the spirit of Christ Jesus to those where I’m needed most. In doing so sharing the good news of the gospel saving souls through the Holy Spirit within me and showing the world the hope of eternity by relinquishing your life into God’s hands.

Vision in ministry is very personal. Just as God has given us our own unique thumb print the blueprint that he gives us through the Holy Spirit for ministry is unique for each one of us. Fortunately, I have been through Job-like suffering that I would gladly go through again because it has brought me to this place and has called me to be a foot soldier for Christ.

God has put it on my heart that my ministry is to be linked with another soul. He has provided that soul in a wonderful Godly woman also named Melissa. The two of us together have been called to the healing ministry. We have both been healed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Together we will share the gospel and the good news that God is the same yesterday, today and forever and has the power to heal not only the physical body but also the mind and spirit of the broken-hearted soul. With the Holy Spirit’s direction we plan to place our ministry in His hands and with prayerful direction we will show the women of our community and beyond that there is a God who is alive and well – that can move immovable Mountains, change lives, break strongholds and addictions, give hope to the hopeless, give service to those in need and most of all, above all else, share the love of the Cross through our actions, abilities and service to others.

God has made a covenant with his people through Grace that He so freely gives. My heart will share with others the Grace that God has given me. Grace is not a contract. It is a covenant. A contract was made to be broken. The covenant that God has made with those who are in Christ is eternal. My hope is to share this good news that we don’t have to live hopeless lives. God gives us everything we need through the covenant of salvation and Grace that he has made available to all who come to him.

I do not take this calling that the Holy Spirit has put in my heart and life lightly, His love and direction consumes my mind, body, soul and spirit daily, bringing me to this place that I freely relinquish my Soul to the Holy Spirit for the guidance and wisdom that not my will be done but His will be done all the days of my life. May God’s peace, blessings and salvation be spread throughout the whole world putting the love of the Cross forever in our hearts. Amen!!!